John Dobson's Talk to the AVAC, March 14, 2003We were fortunate to have John Dobson come to speak to our club for the third time in as many years at our last Club meeting. Although he had recently come back from an entire summer of touring Russia and the Ukraine, talking with amateur astronomy groups, he didn't want to talk about the trip. He wanted to talk to us again about his ‘Recycling Model’ of the universe. So, John being John, he did just that. It certainly was an interesting lecture, and thought provoking too. It's interesting to me to hear views that oppose mainstream Astrophysics and Cosmology, if only because they stir up the pot a little bit. Even though the mainstream scientific community holds up evidence (and a whole lot of evidence) that points them in the direction of the Big Bang, John points at ‘dark matter’ as being a major inconsistency in their theory. It is seen as problematic by proponents of the Big Bang model, but theoretical astrophysicists are looking into ways of tying it into the Grand Unified Theory and to explain the underlying physics of everything along with it. The problem of dark matter is not as much an insurmountable wall as an obstacle that cosmologists are working diligently to overcome – with every expectation of success at this point.
While much of John's talk was at a very high level, it's important that our members keep a balanced view of the talk as just ONE side of a cosmological debate that has many factions. John's views are interesting, as are those presented by others. For balance, the Club needs to bring in a "Big Bang" proponent to show us in simple terms, about all of the evidence that has swayed a large majority of the world’s top astrophysicists towards the Big Bang model of the universe. There are other sides too, other models, other philosophies. Perhaps this is what makes cosmology so interesting - there is no black and white, right and wrong. Philosophy can be proposed, debated, accepted or rejected, but at the end of the day any debate would have to admit that much about the Truth about the origins of the universe is still unknown - despite our attempts at catching a glimpse of it through simulations and mathematical models. Not a single one of us was there during the initial moments to tell the rest of us how it REALLY was.
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