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Venus and the Moon in Conjunction Clouds of Venus in Infrared
Surface of Venus as mapped by JPL

Planet Profile

Mass (kg)                                                4.87 x 10^24

Diameter (km)                                                  12104

Mean density (kg/m^3)                                        5250

Escape velocity (m/sec)                                    10400

Average distance from Sun (AU)                          0.723

Rotation period (length of day in Earth days)        243.0 (retrograde)

Revolution period (length of year in Earth days)    224.7

Obliquity (tilt of axis degrees)                                178

Orbit inclination (degrees)                                    3.39

Orbit eccentricity (deviation from circular)           0.007

Mean surface temperature (K)                                 726

Visual geometric albedo (reflectivity)                    0.59

Highest point on surface       Maxwell Montes (17 km above mean planetary radius)

Atmospheric components      96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 0.003% water vapor

Surface materials                  Basaltic rock and altered materials


More information about Venus can be found by clicking here.


