| | This page is for browsing on those cloudy nights. If it's clear
outside, go on out and enjoy the sky!
I hope you'll discover interesting, useful, fun and a few off-the-wall links
that you haven't seen before. An effort has been made to ensure that all
of these links are appropriate for families looking for more information about
amateur astronomy. I don't accept commercial advertising on my site, and
only post links that I have reviewed.
Check out the following Links:
[Updated 06/2012]
Great Companies and Organizations
 | Astrocrumb Filter
Slides Excellent Filter Slides for Dobsonian Telescoipes. I have purchased two
and I can't imagine owning a dobsonian telescope without one! Visit
the website or contact Roger Greenwood,
e-mail: astrocrumb@yahoo.com |
 | Howie Glatter's Collimation Website
- Howie truly understands the physics of collimation and is an avid amateur
astronomer who KNOWS telescopes. His "Blug" makes precise
collimation of a newtonian (dobsonian) telescope easy. I have been a
customer for many years. |
 | Telescopes4sale.com
Telescope Auction |
 | Teleport telescopes
The Teleport telescope is a small, light, complete package that sets up in about a minute. |
 | Hands On Optics
- Selling exactly the same eyepieces as Meade Series 4000 at 50%
savings!! Lot's of accessories, and even used equipment. Ask for
Gary. |
 | Obsession
Telescopes - Owner Dave Kriege offers top of the line large aperture
equipment and simply awesome service. |
 | Tom Osypowski
Equatorial Platforms Phone: 530-274-9113, e-mail: tomosy@nccn.net |
 | WearGuard - Cold
weather coveralls, boots, etc. at 1/2 to 1/4th retail prices! |
Astro-imagers' Websites:
Astro Information:
Latest Astronomical News
Weather Information
What Can I See?
Satellite Visibility
Other Great Companies
Online Auctions / Sales
Astronomy Clubs
Fun Stuff
For beginners and advanced amateur astronomers a new edition of the
book Backyard
Astronomy, by Terrence Dickinson and Alan Dyer is highly
recommended. |
Have you been interested in astronomy for a little while and would like
a little help figuring out how to spot an "expert"? Humor
from 'Cloudy
Nights Telescope Reviews'
of Ten Website Very cool web site to give you some sense of the size
or our universe...
Adventures in the World of Meteorites - Great site for meteorites... I learned a
lot! |
Other Links

More Extensive Listing: Astronomy and Astrophysics Sites
 | American Association of Variable Star Observers
 | American Astronomical Society
 | American Meteor Society
 | Arecibo Observatory
 | Astromart Home Page
 | About the Astronomical Data Center
 | Astronomical Images
 | The Astronomical League
 | Astronomy Magazine
 | Astronomy Now On-Line
 | Astronomy Resources
 | Astronomy: the guide to the
 | Astronomy
 | Astrophysics
 | AstroWeb - Astronomical Internet Resources
 | AstroWeb at CDS (Strasbourg,
 | Catalogues available at CDS
 | Central Coast Astronomical Society |
 | Comets
 | The Cosmic Mystery Tour
 | EINet Galaxy
 | ESO homepage
 | Exploratorium
 | The Galaxy Page
 | The Gemini 8 Meter Telescopes Project
 | Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
 | HEASARC - High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center. An archive facility of data from high energy astrophysics scientists worldwide. Supports a search on the index of information on the server.
 | The HEASARC Video Archive. Video clips from high energy astrophysics missions. Most are full color and include audio tracks.
 | HST News
 | The Hubble Space Telescope's Greatest Hits, 1990-1995
 | Hubble Space Telescope. Contains educational material, images and video available to the public.
 | Images from High Energy Astrophysics missions. Alphabetical listing of images from missions included in the HEASARC database (see below under "Related Web Servers").
 | An Inquirer's Guide to the Universe
 | Internet and Astronomy
 | IPAC HomePage
 | IRAF home page
 | IU Astronomy
 | La Plata Observatory
 | The Meteorite Exchange
 | Millstone Hill Observatory
 | Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Home Page
 | Mount Wilson Observatory
 | NASA Planetary Photojournal |
 | NASA WWW Servers
 | National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
 | National Optical Astronomy Observatories
 | New England Meteoritical Services
 | The Nine Planets. This is an essay about our solar system with text, pictures, sounds and an occasional movie. Each of the planets and major moons in our solar system is briefly described and illustrated with pictures from NASA spacecraft. With a few clicks, you can see images that only a few decades ago could only be dreamed of.
 | NGC / IC Project Home Page
- Positions, classifications, photometric parameters (magnitudes, diameters, position angles, colors, etc), and distances |
 | Other government labs
 | Peoria Astronomical Society |
 | Planetary Data System
 | Planetary Image Finder. A resource for images of planets gathered from various NASA missions.
 | SKY Online
 | Solar System Live
 | Space Day
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

If you have links that you'd like me to include, please e-mail
me with the info!

astro-tom.com - http://www.astro-tom.com
Learn all about Amateur Astronomy. Material for casual observers and
experienced amateurs. Free reference site with amateur astronomy classes,
astronomy tools, databases, and links.
Steve's Astronomy Page - http://pages.prodigy.net/sstrott
Astro-photography, details of his observatory construction, and links to other
Weasner's Mighty ETX Site - http://www.weasner.com/etx/menu.html
Resources, discussions and complete information about Meade ETX Astro
Astronomy - What's Up This Month - http://www.learnwhatsup.com/astro/
Monthly updates on astronomical events, star charts for the month, photos, and
11/2011 |