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Packing Up


When it’s late, you’re tired after a fun night of observing at your favorite dark sky site and it’s time to pack up the telescope and drive back home, that's when you’re most likely to drop an eyepiece, lose a cap, your car keys, or do something else that you really wouldn’t like to do normally.  Fatigue can make all of us do stupid things that are expensive to fix or replace later.  It’s a good idea to pack up before you get to your tolerance points for fatigue or cold.  Experience will tell you where these points are for you.  If you’re driving home late, remember that you’ll need to be sharp behind the wheel.
The first thing you should do when packing up the telescope is put the cap or cover over the end of the telescope to protect the mirror or lens and keep anything from dropping down the tube and onto your mirror. Next, put the cap on the exposed eyepiece you were using, then carefully remove the eyepiece, replacing the caps over the focuser and on the other end of the eyepiece.  Remember to unscrew any filters that you might have been using on the eyepiece before putting it back in its case.

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