ASTRONOMICAL FORMULAEFirst, the important telescope formulas - i.e. The ones you should try to remember :-)
Magnification = Objective Focal Length / Eyepiece Focal Length Example: A 2000 mm focal length telescope using a 20 mm eyepiece yields a magnification of 100 times:
True Field of View = Eyepiece Apparent Field of View / Magnification of view Example: If we are still using the 20 mm eyepiece from the previous example on the same telescope, and we know from looking up in the manufacture's specifications that the eyepiece has a 50 degree 'apparent field of view':
In other words, the entire full Moon would just fit in the view since it is 1/2 degree across, but you would see only the central portion of the Andromeda Galaxy which is about 4 1/2 degrees across.
Time for a star to cross field: The time in minutes that it would take a star at the celestial equator (DEC=0) to go completely through the field of view when the telescope is not tracking, could be called "T" The true field of view can then be calculated as True Field of View = 4 * T
f/number = Objective Focal Length / Objective Diameter. Example: A 2000 mm focal length telescope that has 200 mm (8 inch) diameter yields a value of f/10.
Exit pupil = Objective Diameter / Magnification = Eyepiece Focal Length / Objective f/number Or by switching the terms around:
Dawes limit = 4.56 Arc Seconds / Objective Diameter (inches)
Aperture gain = (Objective Diameter / Eye Pupil Diameter) 2
ASTRONOMICAL FORMULAE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSESThese are here when and if you ever need them...
About the closest star separation that the eye can distinguish is 4
minutes of arc (240 seconds of arc). Twice this distance, or an 8-minute
RESOLUTION OF LUNAR FEATURESResolution = (2 * Dawes Limit*3476)/1800) Dawes Limit * 38.8 where Resolution is the smallest resolvable lunar feature in km
APPARENT ANGULAR SIZE OF AN OBJECT Apparent Angular Size = (Linear Width / Distance) * 57.3
A degree is the apparent size of an object whose distance is 57.3 x its diameter.
SIZE OF IMAGE (CELESTIAL)h = (Theta*F)/K Theta = K*(h/F) F = (K*h)/Theta where
The first formula yields image size of the sun and moon as approximately 1% of the effective focal length (Theta/K = 0.5/57.3 = 0.009). The second formula can be used to find the angle of view (Theta) for a given film frame size (h) and lens focal length (F). Example: the 24 mm height, 36 mm width, and 43 mm diagonal of 35-mm film yields an angle of view of 27o, 41o, and 49o for a 50-mm lens. The third formula can be used to find the effective focal length (F) required for a given film frame size (h) and angle of view (Theta). SIZE OF IMAGE (TERRESTRIAL)h = (Linear Width / Distance) * F Linear Width = (Distance * h) / F Distance = (Linear Width * F) / h F = (Distance * h) / Linear Width
(STAR TRAILS ON FILM) The earth rotates 5' in 20 s, which yields a barely detectable star trail
with an unguided 50-mm lens. 2-3' (8-12 s) is necessary for an N.B. The above formulae assume a declination of 0o. For other declinations, multiply lengths and divide exposure times by the following cosines of the respective declination angles: 0.98 (10o), 0.93 (20o), 0.86 (30o), 0.75 (40o), 0.64 (50o), 0.50 (60o), 0.34 (70o), 0.18 (80o), 0.10 (85o) SURFACE BRIGHTNESS OF AN EXTENDED OBJECT ("B" VALUE)B = 100.4(9.5-M)/D2 where B is the surface brightness of the (round) extended object M is
the magnitude of the object (total brightness of the object),
The Hour Angle is negative east of and positive west of the meridian (as right ascension increases eastward).
BODE'S LAW(4 + 3(2n))/10 in AU at aphelion where n is the serial order of the planets from the sun (Mercury's 2n =1, Venus's n = 0, Earth's n = 1, asteroid belt = 3)
ANGULAR SIZETheta = (55*h)/d
e.g., for the width of a quarter at arm's length: 55*0.254)/0.711 = 2o
ESTIMATING ANGULAR DISTANCEPenny, 4 km distant ....................................... 1" Sun, Moon ................................................. 30' (The Moon is approximately 400 times smaller in angular diameter than the Sun, but is approx 400 times closer) Width of little finger at arm's length .................... 1o Dime at arm's length ...................................... 1o Quarter at arm's length ................................... 2.5o Width of Orion's belt ..................................... 3o Alpha Ursae Majoris (Dubhe) to Beta Ursae Majoris (Merak) . 5o (Height of Big Dipper's "pointer stars" to Polaris.) Alpha Geminorum (Castor) to Beta Geminorum (Pollux) ....... 5o Width of fist at arm's length ............................. 10o Alpha Ursae Majoris (Dubhe) to Delta Ursae Majoris (Megrez) 10o (Width of Big Dipper's "pointer stars".) Height of Orion ........................................... 16o Length of palm at arm's length ............................ 18o Width of thumb to little finger at arm's length ........... 20o Alpha Ursae Majoris (Dubhe) to Eta Ursae Majoris (Alkaid) . 25o (Length of Big Dipper.) Alpha Ursae Majoris (Dubhe) to Alpha Ursae Minoris (Polaris) ............................................. 27o ESTIMATING MAGNITUDESBig Dipper, from cup to handle Alpha (Dubhe) 1.9 Beta (Merak) 2.4 Gamma (Phecda) 2.5 Delta (Megrez) 3.4 Epsilon (Alioth) 1.7 (4.9) Zeta (Mizar) 2.4 (4.0) Eta (Alkaid) 1.9 Little Dipper, from cup to handle Beta (Kochab) 2.2 Gamma (Pherkad) 3.1 Eta 5.0 Zeta 5.1 (4.3) Epsilon 4.4 Delta 4.4 Alpha (Polaris) 2.1 RANGE OF USEFUL MAGNIFICATION OF A TELESCOPED = diameter of aperture in mm Minimum useful magnification .................... 0.13*D (0.2*D for better contrast) Best visual acuity .............................. 0.25*D Wide views ...................................... 0.4*D Lowest power to see all detail (resolution of eye matches resolution of telescope) ............. 0.5*D Planets, Messier objects, general viewing ....... 0.8*D Normal high power, double stars ................. 1.2*D to 1.6*D Maximum useful magnification .................... 2.0*D Close doubles ................................... 2.35*D Sometimes useful for double stars ............... 4.0*D Limit imposed by atmospheric turbulence ......... 500 GEOGRAPHIC DISTANCEGeographic distance of one second of arc = 30 m * COS of the latitude, where COS(Latitude)=1 on lines of constant longitude.
ANGULAR SIZE UNITS1 degree = 60 arc minutes denoted 60' 1 ' = 60 arc seconds denoted 60" 1 Radian = 57.2957795 deg = 3437.74677' = 206264.806" Number of square degrees in a sphere = 41252.96124 Ex Moon 1800" = 0.5 deg =
30' = 3500 km = 2170 miles ANNUAL PARALLAXTan(pi) approx= pi = a/D (by small angle equation) Where a = 1 AU or Astronomical Unit = 9.3E7 miles D = distance in parsecs The distance is therefore related to the parallax definition by: D = 1/pi The parallax is a measure of distance based on angular displacement of a star against much distant background stars over the course of a year's time as the earth circles the sun. (A similar affect is obtained by closing one eye, holding out a pencil vertically, and alternately closing and opening the opposing eyes. The pencil shifts relative to the background which in this case is the wall, window, woman, what have you. That is a parallactic effect, except the eyes take the place of a camera taking pictures when the earth is at opposite ends of its orbit. The parsec or PARallax-SECond is defined in terms of the parallax:
The parsec is the distance a star has to be such that the Earth's motion around
STELLAR DISTANCESD(pc) = 10(1+.2(m-M)) or rewritten as: m = M + 5*Log(D) - 5 Where as usual:
SPECTRAL CLASS FEATURESSpectral Class Special features --------------------------------------------------------------------- O HeII lines visible; lines from highly ionized species, for example, CIII, NIII, OIII, SiIV ; H lines relatively weak; strong ultraviolet continuum. B HeI lines strong; attain maxmimum at B2; HeII lines absent; H lines stronger; lower ions, for example, CII, OII, SiIII A H lines attain maxmimum strength at A0 and decrease toward later types; MgII, SiII strong; CaII weak and increasing in strength F H weaker, CaII stronger; lines of neutral atoms and first ions of metals appear prominently G Solar-type spectra; CaII lines extremely stron; neutral metals prominent, ions weaker; G band (CH) strong; H lines weakening K Neutral metallic lines dominate; H quite weak; molecular bands (CH,CN) developing; continuum weak in blue M Strong molecular bands, particularly TiO; some neutral lines for example, CaI quite strong; red continua C(R,N) Carbon stars; strong bands of carbon compounds C ,CN,CO; TiO absent; temperatures in range of 2 classes K and M S Heavy-element stars; bands of ZrO, YO, LaO; neutral atoms strong as in classes K and M; overlaps these classes in temperature range Ia-0 Most extreme supergiants Ia Luminous supergiants Iab Moderate supergiants Ib Less luminous supergiants II Bright giants III Normal giants IV Subgiants V Dwarfs (main sequence) VI Subdwarf (below main sequence, extreme metal poor. ) VII White dwarfs COMPLETE DATA FOR THE BRIGHTEST STARSSp Star Name RA Dec m M Cl Lum Rad M Ly Tms h m d m *Lo *Ro *Mo E6yr a And Alpheratz 00 07 +28 58 2.06 -0.1 B9p 93 3.1 5.0 90 500 a Ari Hamal 02 06 +23 22 2.00 +0.2 K2III 103 17 5.1 76 500 a UMi Polaris 02 12 +89 11 1.99 -4.6 F8Ib 1600 80 10 680 62 b Per Algol 03 07 +40 52 2.06 -0.5 B8V 132 3.2 4.5 105 340 a Per Mirfak 03 23 +49 47 1.8 -4.4 F5Ib 4800 55 14 570 29 n Tau Alcyone 03 46 +24 03 2.9 -3.2 B7III 1800 8.5 10.5 410 58 a Tau Aldeberan 04 35 +16 28 0.86 -1.2 K5III 150 4.5 4.5 68 300 b Ori Rigel 05 14 -08 13 0.14 -7.1 B8Ia 150000 80 42 900 3 a Aur Capella 05 15 +45 59 0.05 -0.6 G8III 75 1.2 3.8 45 500 y Ori Bellatrix 05 24 +06 20 1.64 -4.2 B2III 4000 6.5 14 470 3.5 a Ori Betelgeuse 05 54 +07 24 0.41 -5.6 M2Ia 13000 800 8.1 520 6.2 a Car Canopus 06 24 -52 41 -0.72 -3.1 F0Ib 800 40 3.2 98 40 a CMa Sirius 06 44 -16 42 -1.47 1.45 A1V 23 2.3 2.7 8.6 1174 a Gem Castor 07 33 +31 56 1.97 1.3 A1V 28 2.3 2.8 45 1000 a CMi Procyon 07 38 +05 17 0.37 2.7 F5IV 7.6 2 1.8 11.3 2370 b Gem Pollux 07 44 +28 05 1.16 1.0 K0III 30 16 2.9 35 950 a Hyd Alphard 09 26 -08 35 1.98 -0.3 K4III 114 162 4.4 94 385 a Leo Regulus 10 07 +12 04 1.36 -0.7 B7V 140 3 4.7 84 335 a UMa Dubhe 11 03 +61 52 1.81 -0.7 K0III 140 * 4.7 105 335 b Leo Denebola 11 48 +14 41 2.14 1.5 A3V 21 * 2.6 42 1238 a CVn CorCaroli 12 55 +38 26 2.90 0.1 B9p 77 3.6 3.9 118 500 a Vir Spica 13 24 -11 03 0.91 -3.3 B1V 1700 3 10.3 220 60 a Boo Arcturus 14 15 +19 17 -0.06 -0.3 K2III 100 20 4.2 36 420 a Cen Rigil Kent 14 38 -60 46 0.01 4.4 G2V 1.3 1 1.1 4.3 8500 a CrB Alphecca 15 34 +26 47 2.23 0.4 A0V 120 3.6 4.5 76 375 a Sco Antares 16 28 -26 23 0.92 -5.1 M1Ib 9000 800 17.2 520 19 a Her RasAlgethi 17 14 +14 24 3.10 -2.3 M5II 700 800 7.9 410 112 a Oph Rasalhague 17 34 +12 35 2.09 0.8 A5III 29 6.4 2.8 60 965 a Lyr Vega 18 36 +38 46 0.04 0.5 A0V 50 2.5 3.4 27 680 b Cyg Albireo 19 30 +27 55 3.07 -2.4 K3II 800 59 8.1 410 100 a Aql Altair 19 50 +08 49 0.77 2.2 A7IV 9.8 1.5 2 16.5 2000 a Cyg Deneb 20 41 +45 12 1.26 -7.1 A2Ia 100000 40 37 1600 3.7 a Cep Alderamin 21 18 +62 31 2.44 1.4 A7IV 330 9.5 6.1 52 184 e Peg Emif 21 43 +09 48 2.38 -4.6 K2Ib 5900 140 15.1 780 25 a PsA Fomalhaut 22 57 -29 44 1.15 2.0 A3V 12 2 2.2 22.6 1830 NOTE: A '*' means no data available at this time
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