| July 3, 2012 - Changed. [164087] |
 | June 16, 2012 - Updated links. [163731] |
 | November 26, 2011 - Updated overall site, Updated
all info on Pluto. [127616] |
 | June 19, 2010 - Updated home page, added article
about RTMC 2010, deleted 2008 Photo Contest pages. [127616] |
 | December 05, 2009 - Validated all links,
updated Build Your Own Telescope page. Reworked banners. [118666] |
 | December 19, 2008 - Added Photo Contest pictures
to Deep Sky page.
[108349] |
 | November 26, 2008 - Added separate "Ask Astro-Tom" page. [106765]November 26, 2008 - Added separate "Ask
Astro-Tom" page. [106765] |
 | October 26, 2008 - Added "Ask Astro-Tom to home page,
ended Photo Contest. [104918] |
 | June 14, 2008 - Reworked podcast info, updated
home page, added time zone article.
[98005] |
 | May 27, 2008 - Added RTMC 2008 info and pictures.
[97127] |
 | May 8, 2008 - Updated the home page information,
updated links. [96145] |
 | November 16, 2007 - Updated Links, added
extensively to Photo Contest page, and updated Home. [84814] |
 | August 24, 2007 - Updated About Astro-Tom Page.
[80135] |
 | July 17, 2007 - Updated Barker astrophotos
- they hadn't taken three of the shots . Please contact astro-tom.com
if you sent me these shots. [78454] |
 | June 25, 2007 - Updated astrophotos.
[77802] |
 | June 6, 2007 - Added the 2007
RTMC page, updated astrophotos.
[76705] |
 | March 6, 2007 - Updated "Intro to
Astronomy" classes Part
III and Part IV,
updated Photo contest
pictures. [71652] |
 | February 10, 2007 - Added links. Updated home
page. Update Photo contest
pictures. [70032] |
 | December 31, 2006 - Photo Contest additions
[67094] |
 | November 17, 2006 - updated home page.
[64002] |
 | October 1, 2006 - Added new binomount
pictures and added news on the home page. [60668] |
 | September 9, 2006 - Updated home page, photo
contest pages. [59255] |
 | August 26, 2006 - Updated home page.
[58517] |
 | July 29, 2006 - Updated information regarding
Astronomical Distances, fixed Red Rock Canyon Sky Clock, Updated home page
news and added info regarding the latest Astronomical League observing
clubs. [57096] |
 | June 11, 2006 - Added new home page links and
added RTMC 2006 page.
[55018] |
 | May 3, 2006 - Added new photo contest Star
Trails category page with most recent astrophotography contest
submittals. [52565] |
 | March 26, 2006 - Updated Home Page. [49946] |
 | March 12, 2006 - Updated Astro
Links page and Home page. [48759] |
 | January 19, 2006 - Updated Astro
Links page. [45174] |
 | January 15, 2006 - Re-worked arrangement of Home
page, added hover buttons to simplify page. [44760] |
 | December 30, 2005 - Updated Bino-mount
information from Rick Miseroy, re-worked arrangement of Home
page weather and Clear Sky Clocks.. [43283] |
 | December 23, 2005 - Added latest Astrophoto
entry. [42857] |
 | November 13, 2005 - Added latest Astrophoto
entries, added to information on how to make 3D
photos. Also revised Product
Reviews, and added Star
Party Advice. [39567] |
 | October 8, 2005 - Added information about LPR
FIlters, added a presentation about Extrasolar Planet
Detection, and did a
broken link check. [36967] |
 | September 26, 2005 - Added Tips
and Tricks comment to add Lunar Phases to your Outlook Calendar. [36169] |
 | August 21, 2005 - Added homepage News
section and links to sites with Podcast shows
about astronomy. [34179] |
 | May 30, 2005 - Able to modify site once more - I
am moving the entire site to a new host server so update problems will be
cured. [30544] |
 | February 11, 2005 - Added 3D
Mars photos from Spirit Rover and reorganized the Home Page again in
search of the easiest to use interface. [25450] |
 | January 30, 2005 - Updated all home page with
weather information. [24505] |
 | January 15, 2005 - Updated all member
information, added new spider index words to home page. [23533] |
 | January 5, 2005 - Added information
about travels. [23092] |
 | December 9, 2004 - Added Photography contest and
New Challenge. Corrected space problem on
home page, reassigned order to search parameters. [21992] |
 | October 26, 2004 - After getting the system
converted over to higher speed servers, I finally can edit the site once
again and add updates. Thanks for your patience! Added article
on Why There are 24 hours in a Day.
[19868] |
 | July 17, 2004 - Added latest
Cassini photos. [16109] |
 | July 3, 2004 - Added latest
Cassini photos after orbital capture and fixed file naming for images.
[15659] |
 | June 13, 2004 - Added additional Phoebe encounter
pics, link to site for binocular users. [15144] |
 | June 6, 2004 - Added Cassini info and MER data to
home page. [14859] |
 | May 30, 2004 - Changed Home page to reflect post
RTMC info and added a "RTMC 2004 Highlights" page. [14630] |
 | May 22, 2004 - Added additional Sky Clocks for
Red Rock Canyon State Park, and Mt. Pinos for ease of reference.Cassini-Huygens information,
reformatted main page. [14437] |
 | May 1, 2004 - Added Cassini-Huygens information,
reformatted main page. [13700] |
 | April 9, 2004 - Added True field of view
calculation. [13062] |
 | April 4, 2004 - Reworked Main
Menu page, added Telguide product
review, added 3D Mars
pictures processes from MER imagery, updated searches. [12913] |
 | March 12, 2004 - Added section about Why
the site exists, updated Recent Searches. [12274] |
 | January 31, 2004 - Updated Mars MER information
to reflect raw image locations. Updated AVAC
Weblink and Tom
Varden's Astrophotography graphic. [11096] |
 | January 18, 2004 - Updated site maps to Crystalaire
Country Club. Added a Solar
Observation Project worksheet in .pdf file format. [10714] |
 | January 15, 2004 - Updated Mars Exploration Rover
site link, added product review on cold weather gear and updated Site
statistics. [10612] |
 | January 07, 2004 - Site header changed, added
links to tommysdiablo7.
Updated AVAC information. [10241] |
 | December 19, 2003 - Added How
to Buy a Telescope. [9759] |
 | December 7, 2003 - Added Telguide
by ActonAstro comments, finally got header problem fixed by converting
entire web to a server-based web. Eliminated the astro-tom.com User
Poll because of FrontPage Server Extension conflicts with Post Method.
[9479] |
 | November 30, 2003 - Explanation of setting circles
linked in. [9240] |
 | November 16, 2003 - Working the top banner
problem and an idea for an explanation of setting circles (Coming soon).
[8852] |
 | November 11, 2003 - Added a new
presentation titled, "The Life of
Stars" to assist Elementary Schools who are studying stars. Still
working the top banner problem. [8707]
October 27, 2003 - Another Correction to formula
on Earth-Sun Distance
page (thanks to Pete Suknaich!!). [8329] |
 | October 19, 2003 - Changed the format of the
Home page, linked up all frequent searches. [8105] |
 | October 14, 2003 - modified the astro-tom.com
chat room page. [7995] |
 | October 8, 2003 - modified the astro-tom.com
chat room page. [7868] |
 | October 1, 2003 - Added the first astro-tom.com
chat room software script. Updated the Home Page. [7663] |
 | September 28, 2003 - Correction to formula
on Earth-Sun Distance
page (thanks to Pete Suknaich!!) Added Mars
Handout download and updated all other AVAC
Handout sheets. [7568] |
 | September 21, 2003 - Checked and fixed all
hyperlinks. [7406] |
 | September 12, 2003 - Added an HTML page for
the Herschel 400 for people tackling this observation project. [7264] |
 | September 8, 2003 - Updated Mars info and
added more of Tom Varden's astrophotos. [7153] |
 | August 26, 2003 - Updated all links.
[6770] |
 | August 19, 2003 - Created new Planetary
Rings page. New Astrophotography link to Tom
Varden's website. [6609] |
 | August 17, 2003 - Updated the Mars page
with a Mars Map and advanced online Mars map links. [6567] |
 | August 9, 2003 - Added amateur astronomy humor
page. [6442] |
 | August 3, 2003 - Extensive update to Info on Mars.
[6337] |
 | July 26, 2003 - What to do with an old
reflector telescope, Info on Mars. [6206] |
 | July 24, 2003 - Asked for feedback on site
and request for pictures about member's projects. [6124] |
 | June 18, 2003 - Corrected problem with Parts
I and IV of online classes. Checked pictures in RTMC
article. [5618] |
 | June 6, 2003 - Added new topics in response
to recent site search requests including Biographies
of famous astronomers, added really funny Ten
Commandments of Amateur Astronomy. [5420] |
 | May 27, 2003 - Added new Star
Party Answer. [5210] |
 | May 26, 2003 - Added new RTMC Astronomy
Expo 2003 report page,
reworked AVAC Events page to
decrease load time. [5196] |
 | May 22, 2003 - Updated home page with
latest info, adjusted technical content to reflect latest astronomical info.
Updated site statistics and Site Directory. [5146] |
 | May 11, 2003 - Completely deleted site on
server, reloaded complete site, reworked counter file. [4950] |
 | May 4, 2003 - Working to solve FrontPage
server extension graphics issue resulting in top banner text and button text
not appearing. [4830] |
 | May 3, 2003 - Graphics in banners fixed, site
partially reloaded from master. [4791] |
 | April 25, 2003 - Updated Ramps
project page. [4669] |
 | April 12, 2003 - Updated AVAC
Calendar page, and the Projects
page. Added Site Statistics graph page. [4444] |
 | April 10, 2003 - Updated AVAC
Calendar page, AVAC Page and Home
page. Checked search items against subjects already covered in the
site. [4414] |
 | April 5, 2003 - Added new pages for
telescope projects including making ramps,
Star Party signs, and a container
for truss tubes. Reworked the Projects
section. [4321] |
 | April 1, 2003 - Added new Messier Marathon
report. [4232] |
 | March 28, 2003 - Added new directions to
the AVAC King's Canyon
Observing Site, added bookmarks and navigation aids to page. AVAC Calendar
updated. [4150] |
 | March 22, 2003 - Added extensive Tips
on Observing the Virgo Cluster. [4039] |
 | March 15, 2003 - Updated the About
astro-tom.com page, detailed
report on John Dobson's talk to the AVAC added. [3960] |
 | March 13, 2003 - Updated astronomy
[3930] |
 | March 9, 2003 - Feedback from users on
Messier area received and incorporated (Thank you!) Latest search
results were input throughout the site, as appropriate. [3870] |
 | February 28, 2003 - Resized home.htm
tables. Will now display better on all browsers. Found error in
table width at 109%, changed to 90% throughout page. [3698] |
 | February 23, 2003 - Reworked hyperlinks and
deleted broken links. [3595] |
 | February 20, 2003 - New Files
to Download and links into the Messier section. [3571] |
 | February 18, 2003 - Extensive new Messier
Object section online. [3502] |
 | February 8, 2003 - Downloads for Amateur
Astronomy classes, extensive listing of personal
astronomy webpages added. New page on the contellations
and mythology added. Revised the home page, updated search
capabilities, updated keyword list. [3330] |
 | February 03, 2003 - Intermediate amateur
astronomer class information added. [3230] |
 | January 29, 2003 - Biographies
for Ptolemy added. [3165] |
 | January 26, 2003 - Updated class #2 and
updated astro-tom User Poll Information. [3057] |
 | January 18, 2003 - Added information for a
free Excel reader to Files for Download page, added website link for
astro-tom.com member. Changed Noble Jewelry Co picture on home
page. [2926] |
 | January 12, 2003 - Added a detailed
explanation on how manual setting
circles and the celestial
coordinate system work. Updated links. [2830] |
 | December 29, 2002 - Added downloadable
document on Filters to the AVAC
Documents section. [2623] |
 | December 28, 2002 - New astro-tom.com User's
Poll created, extensive rework to AVAC
Documents section with all new downloads. [2610] |
 | December 23, 2002 - Found and fixed problem
with download files and programs. Created new section Files
to Download and linked downloadable reference files through this page.
[2545] |
 | December 22, 2002 - The Leonids
Meteor Shower write up with count data has been posted. Updated
home page with links and change information. Also included e-mail
address for contact info. [2527] |
 | December 20, 2002 - Updated 2003 AVAC
Calendar. [2503] |
 | December 5, 2002 - Updated AVAC
Calendar and the information on the AACAA. Updated links.
[2326] |
 | November 22, 2002 - Updated AVAC
Calendar for planned 2003 activities. [2190] |
 | November 17, 2002 - Added information on
the proposed AACAA Conference
facilities at George Lane Park, including several photos of the site and
comments about services available. [2045] |
 | November 16, 2002 - Added information on
the AACAA Conference and a link
to the Clear Sky Clock for Saddleback Butte State Park. [2020] |
 | November 5, 2002 - Added report on
November's AVAC Star Party, Added
data on the Sun to Our Nearest
Stars, added download of Astronomy
Essentials presentation, and modified AVAC Calendar.
[1901] |
 | October 25, 2002 - Modified AVAC Calendar
and home page announcements. [1768] |
 | October 12, 2002 - Added introductory
equations to first page, clarified equations on the Useful
Formulas page. [1655] |
 | September 29, 2002 - Added a description of
how astronomers accurately measure
the distance from the Earth to the Sun. [1450] |
 | September 28, 2002 - Added link to Noble
Jewelry Company's Astronomy Jewelry page. Worked on Intro page.
[1448] |
 | September 21, 2002 - Finished linking up Part
IV of the online astronomy course. Changed name of Messier Club
page to the Observing
Club page to recognize all AVAC award winners. Updated AACAA
page with latest committee info. Updated AVAC
Calendar. [1340] |
 | September 9, 2002 - Added presentation on Astronomical
Tools, that was prepared for the Antelope Valley Community College site.
[1253] |
 | September 6, 2002 - Updated Polar Alignment page
with new comments from Howard Banich. Added presentation
on weight, balance and frictional considerations in large aperture dobsonian
design. Modified the organization of the Resources
page to include links to all downloadable materials on the site. [1225] |
 | August 24, 2002 - Updated Binocular
Mount page with new pictures from Rick Miseroy. [1123] |
 | August 17, 2002 - Updated AVAC
Activities page with Mt. Palomar Trip. [1049] |
 | August 16, 2002 - Update Site
Directory, fixed links in Intro
to the Night Sky Course - Part II. [1042] |
 | August 9, 2002 - Update to Main Menu.
Update to Observing Sites page. [986] |
 | July 27, 2002 - Significant update to Cleaning
Optics page. [897] |
 | July 21, 2002 - Updated AVAC Calendar, deleted
Events page, checked all hyperlinks. [841] |
 | July 9, 2002 - Added where and why to buy Forest
Service Adventure Passes and Sky
Clock (amateur astronomy sky quality prediction algorithms link).
[718] |
 | July 4, 2002 - Added an About
astro-tom page with how I got into amateur astronomy and also began a
listing of the Obsession Improvements
I am making to my large dobsonian. [688] |
 | July 3, 2002 - Re-indexed site for searches,
upated the AVAC Calendar, AVAC Events, AVAC Activities and Home page.
[677] |
 | June 22, 2002 - Navigation improvements added to
the "Introduction
to the Night Sky" classes. Added committee
member section to the AACAA pages. [626] |
 | June 21, 2002 - General maintenance. [611] |
 | June 8, 2002 - Added page on How
to Handle Eyepieces, Setting Up a
Dob Telescope, Cooling Down,
Packing Up, Transporting
a Telescope, and updated proposal information
for the 1st Annual AVAC Conference on
Amateur Astronomy. [532] |
 | May 26, 2002 - Added proposal information
for the 1st Annual AVAC Conference on
Amateur Astronomy. [465] |
 | May 10, 2002 - Updated/Added information in all
four parts of the "Introduction
to the Night Sky" classes. [397] |
 | May 1, 2002 - Created a Deep
Sky page that will serve to document deep sky observing interests
including the Messier Marathon, a new Virgo Cluster page and the Herschel
400 section. [356] |
 | April 28, 2002 - Created detailed pages on Collimating
newtonian telescopes and schmidt cassegrain telescopes. [350] |
 | April 23, 2002 - Updated Astro
Links, added Detailed
Palmdale Weather link on Home Page, Added info on the Herschel
400. [331] |
 | April 19, 2002 - Updated AVAC calendar page,
links and added to the Herschel 400 page. [311] |
 | April 18, 2002 - Started a page of info on the Herschel
400 as well as a downloadable
listing of these objects. Added .pdf finder
charts for all of the Messier Objects. [298] |
 | April 12, 2002 - Added online courses titled,
"Introduction to the Night
Sky." The course is in four parts. Added pages on Transporting
Telescopes, Aligning
Finderscopes, Star
Party Ettiquete, Words to
Know. Updated the AVAC Calendar, Changed the Celestial
Coordinates page, [252] |
 | March 27, 2002 - Extensively reworked the
directory structure to optimize search times and data flow. Condensed
several repetitive pages. Added link to TUMOL program [162] |
 | March 26, 2002 - Added Star
Party Tips page. [156] |
 | March 23, 2002 - Added additional info for Polar
Alignment, Use of a Planisphere, Cleaning
Optics, Use of Maps at the Telescope.
Updated list of manufacturer companies.
[130] |
 | March 19, 2002 - Added Solar
Eclipse tracking charts and other details about eclipses. [101] |
 | March 18, 2002 - Moved the Search applet to its
own webpage. Revised homepage. Added graphics to 1X Finder
page. Added AVAC Event about the Messier Marathon. [89] |
 | March 14, 2002 - Added extensive biographies
and links to other biographies of famous astronomers. The old site was
reduced to a single pointing page. [64] |
 | February 18, 2002 - The Astroweb has been renamed
astro-tom.com to make it easier to remember and find on the web.
(star-tom.com is parked to the site too.) The entire site was
transferred over to the named domain and added maps to AVAC observing
sites. The old site will remain up for a couple of months and then
will be re-directed to the new domain. [1] |
 | February 17, 2002 - Added several additional biographies
and links for biographies on other sites. |
 | February 14, 2002 - Added "Surveying
the Milky Way" presentation in .pdf format. Updated AVAC
calendar. Updated index page with info on the upcoming Messier
Marathon. |
 | January 2, 2002 - Added sunrise/sunset and
moonrise/moonset info on the main page. Reorganized the lead in for
clarity. |
 | December 18, 2001 - Added AVAC documents in .pdf
format to AVAC Documents page. All
handouts now available online for printing up a master for
reproduction. Updated links. Removed any broken links. |
 | November 21, 2001 - Added "How to Clean SCT
Corrector Plates" addendum to Cleaning
Optics page. Other miscellaneous housekeeping. Updated
events page. |
 | August 24, 2001 - Added the Messier
Plus listing that was adapted to Excel 5.0/95 |
 | July 23, 2001 - Created a Filters
page describing the performance and uses of optical filters, and a page to
explain Astronomical Seeing. |
 | July 1, 2001 - Updated the homepage, created
a new area called "e-Mail Answers." |
 | June 13, 2001 - A first 'deepsky'
listing for beginners (by time of year) has been placed in the getting
started section. Incorporated most of the ineedhits suggestions to the
website. |
 | April 7, 2001 - A complete indexing of the site
has been accomplished that allows users to search for phrases or subjects
and sort the output. Finally it's easy to find things on the site! Changed introductory graphics
to improve look and speed of loading. |
 | March 25, 2001 - Added Messier
Marathon Tips, Discussion, Software
downloads and recommended observing order
pages. |
 | January 30, 2001 - Added a listing of Bright
Stars that can be used to initialize setting circles. (Thanks to
Terry Pedroza!) |
 | January 28, 2001 - Used new Adobe PDF Writer to
put our clubs' "Constitution and By-Laws" and our
"Operations Manual" on line.
An astronomy club presentation added
called, “Your
New Telescope - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Freeware,
"Skyglobe" added to the Programs
download area. |
 | December 10, 2000 - Added to the Suggested
Books, added to and verified all of the Astro
Links. |
 | October 28, 2000 - Greatly simplified the organization of
the site. Cleaned up first page. |
 | July 23, 2000 - Added a spreadsheet to determine
viewing power and updated the "portable observatory"
spreadsheet. See Spreadsheets |
 | July 16, 2000 - Updated AVAC club page. Fixed
various typographical errors. |
 | June 20, 2000 - Updated AVAC information, added
new AVAC logo. |
 | April 16, 2000 - Added extensive listing of Eyepiece
Specifications, by manufacturer, a listing of Astronomical
Manufacturers, and a listing of Suggested
Books for Amateur Astronomers.
Added a link on the first page to allow users to quickly see what's up in
the sky without digging through a lot of links. |
 | April 8, 2000 - Won the Warehouse of Pages
Quarterly Finals Runner Up Award for Originality! |
 | April 2, 2000 - Won the Warehouse of Pages First
Place Award for Originality! Observing Trip report online for
April. |
 | March 12, 2000 - Added How
to Build a "Dobsonian" Telescope. Fixed Astronomy
continued rework of Site
Directory page. |
 | March 5, 2000 - Added 100's of Astronomy
Links, added a Magnification table,
continued rework of Site
Directory page. |
 | February 29, 2000 - Extensive rework of Site
Directory page. |
 | February 14, 2000 - Added an Observing
Trip page. |
 | February 12, 2000 - Winner of ArmonWeb
Originality Award and Anne's
Cool and Safe Award. |
 | February 5, 2000 - Awarded "Anna's
Award For Far Out Of This World Web Site Design." Added Nearest
Stars page, fixed formula display problem on Elliptical
Orbits page. Renamed "News" page to "Changes." |
 | February 3, 2000 - Added FTMPA Award for Astronomy
Website Design Excellence, and Awards page.
Flattened the navigation web tree by eliminating the "Data" page
level and placing everything directly under Resources.
Updated the Site Index. Changed header graphic and intro Orion Nebula
graphic to speed page loading. Changed Home page
visually. |
 | January 29, 2000 - Updated Astronomy
Formulae, added Eyepiece information, added
planetary data profiles, added
programs to Site Index, moved pages into better order, applied to be added
to 'Astronomy Ring,' added "Tips on
Participating in the Messier Marathon." |
 | January 24, 2000 - Added Links. |
 | January 1, 2000 - Added a Basic
Astronomy Dictionary and an Advanced
Astronomy Dictionary, added Links, added
graphics to Planets page, added
Optics, an "extended Messier list" next100.xls
added to downloads, added Julian Date display to discussion of Time. |
 | December 19, 1999 - Added a Pronunciation
Guide for the bright stars and constellations. |
 | December 6, 1999 - Added Star
Party Answers to the Advanced section of the
website. |
 | November 14, 1999 - Newt25.zip added to the file
downloads. This is an excellent Newtonian telescope design tool! |
 | October 28, 1999 - Extensive editing of pages.
New Eyepiece page, Reorganized site to make the "Getting Started section easier to get to
from the Home page and Resources section. |
 | September 5, 1999 - Astronomy computer programs
added. Reorganized "Data" section for clarity. |
 | September 4, 1999 - Re-organization of
topics, load speed increased. Small font size changed to be larger on
several pages. Meteors, Astro Essentials added. |
 | August 28, 1999 - "Astro Links"
page added to "News" section. |
 | August 22, 1999 - Site speed improved. New
Advanced pages added, links added. |
 | August 12, 1999 - Astroweb Site Online!! |